Occular Hypertension
For elevated IOP above 23mm/Hg requiring repeat readings using Goldman applanation tonometry or suspected Glaucomatous visual fields
a) If your practice is signed up to Evolutio to provide the IOP and Visual Field Referral Refinement Service, follow protocol provided to you by Evolutio.
b) If your practice is not signed up to Evolutio, refer using a GOS18 and either Fax to 0333 240 7729 or send via NHS.net (if available to you) to LCHevolutio@nhs.net
For elevated IOP above 23mm/Hg requiring repeat readings using Goldman applanation tonometry or suspected Glaucomatous visual fields:
a) If your practice is signed up to Opera to provide the Glaucoma Referral Refinement Service, use this service
b) If your practice is not signed up to Opera Glaucoma Referral Refinement Service, refer via NHSmail to cnech.pecservices@nhs.net, the patient will then be referred to a participating practice.
For elevated IOP above 31mm/Hg patients should be referred directly into HES. Please see urgent referrals